BIBLE Basics
Study 2: The Spirit of God
Definition | Inspiration | Gifts of the Holy Spirit | The Withdrawal of the Gifts | The Bible The Only Authority | Digressions (Is the Holy Spirit A Person?, The Principle of Personification, Calvinism, "Ye shall receive the . . . Holy Spirit", "These signs shall follow") | Questions

STUDY 2: Questions

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  1. Which of the following are meanings of the word 'Spirit'?

  2. What is the Holy Spirit?
    A person
    God's power
    Part of a trinity.

  3. How was the Bible written?
    Men wrote down their own ideas
    Men wrote what they thought God meant
    Through the inspiration of men, by God's Spirit
    Some of it was inspired, other parts were not.

  4. Which of the following are reasons why the miraculous gifts of the Spirit were given?
    To back up the verbal preaching of the Gospel
    To develop the early church
    To force people to be righteous
    To save the apostles from personal difficulties.

  5. From where can we learn God's truth?
    Partly from the Bible, partly from our own thinking
    From the Holy Spirit telling us things directly, apart from Bible reading
    From the Bible alone
    From religious ministers / priests.

  6. Name some of the spirit gifts possessed in the first century.

  7. When were they withdrawn? Is it possible to have them now?

  8. How can the Holy Spirit work in our lives today?