English Download Section
English Microsoft Word 7 Documents.
 - Introduction
 - Study 1: God
 - Study 2: The Spirit of God
 - Study 3: The Promises of God
 - Study 4: God and Death
 - Study 5: The Kingdom of God
 - Study 6: God and Evil
 - Study 7: The Origin of Jesus
 - Study 8: The Nature of Jesus
 - Study 9: The Work of Jesus
 - Study 10: Baptism into Jesus
 - Study 11: Life in Christ
 - Appendix 1: A Summary of Basic Bible Doctrines
 - Appendix 2: Our Attitude to Learning Bible Truth
 - Appendix 3: The Nearness of Christ's Return
 - Appendix 4: The Justice of God

  Complete files in Word 7 (Self extracting zip file)

